Inspector Certification Program Update:  New application and renewal procedures

Posted By: Heather Brooks Program Updates,

We are thrilled to announce updates to the Inspector Certification Program that aim to streamline the eligibility process and enhance accessibility for international and domestic inspectors. As the ACCT Inspector Certification Program has expanded, the number of certified inspectors from around the World has increased significantly.  The influx of new inspectors from outside the U.S. and Canada has highlighted differences globally in risk management and insurance, causing ACCT to take a fresh look at the Inspector Certification Program Requirements and application process.

Key Change

The ACCT Board of Directors recently approved replacing the requirement for inspectors to submit a Certificate of Insurance (COI) with an enhanced attestation. The attestation will be appended to the Supervisor Endorsement and must be signed by an authorized representative of the applicant company. This modification is designed to simplify the application process and eliminate unnecessary hurdles for our valued inspectors.

Does this change the requirements for insurance?

Changes to the application process do not change the minimum requirement for inspectors to maintain continuous, reasonable, and customary insurance coverage, considering the applicant company’s potential exposure and the geographic areas in which it operates.  Further, inspectors must still notify ACCT of any changes in employment status or lapses in insurance coverage during their certification period. ACCT reserves the right to request proof of insurance at any point during the certified inspector’s certification period.

What you need to do

For new or renewing applicants,

  • Familiarize yourself with the updated Supervisor Attestation;
  • Confirm that the Supervisor Attestation is completed by a company representative with the knowledge and authority to certify on behalf of the Applicant Company; and
  • Understand and adhere to the reporting timelines in the event of changes in insurance status or employment.

For more information

For more information regarding insurance requirements for the ACCT Inspector Certification Program, please visit Inspector Certification Applications and Forms or e-mail the ACCT Program Directors at