Code of Ethics


All ACCT members shall accurately represent themselves and their companies in accordance with the Code of Ethics policy.


It is understood and expected that members of the Association for Challenge Course Technology (ACCT) at every level strive to conduct business and interact with the highest good of the challenge course community in mind, including the clients, vendors, end users, and ACCT itself. The Code of Ethics serves to provide a frame of reference for members of ACCT and those served by the members. All ethical standards apply to Business to Business Members (vendors, suppliers, manufacturers), Business to Client Service Providers (operators, practitioners), Industry Stakeholder/Affiliate Members (organizations or entities that have an interest in the challenge course market), and individual members, their staff, representatives, volunteers, and contractors (herein referenced individually as “Member” and collectively as “Members”). All Members of ACCT are expected to follow the standard of ethical conduct as defined and detailed here. This code is not intended to establish a legal duty among ACCT Members or to persons or entities served by ACCT Members where one would not otherwise exist.

This document will:

  1. Clarify the ethical conduct expected of members of the Association for Challenge Course Technology.
  2. Support the mission and the vision of the Association for Challenge Course Technology.
  3. Establish ethical guidelines for professional behavior and business practices.
  4. Provide a foundation for use in reviewing and addressing ethical concerns and complaints within the association membership.

A. Sales and Marketing

  1. Members accurately identify their type of membership, certification, or accreditation with ACCT. Example: whether an organization is an Accredited Operator or Accredited Vendor, or a non-accredited Business to Client (B2C) or Business to Business (B2B) member.
  2. Members accurately communicate to clients and potential clients their certifications and accreditations. Example: practitioners communicating their level of certification, or Accredited Vendor Members communicating the service areas for which they have been accredited.
  3. Members adhere to ACCT policies and guidelines for use of the ACCT logo and only display the ACCT logo issued to them by ACCT. Example: obtaining written permission from ACCT for any and all use of the ACCT logo.
  4. Members accurately identify their competence and professional experience. For example, vendors identify their experience as designers, installers, inspectors, facilitators, trainers, and so on. Practitioners identify their qualifications and certifications.
  5. Members accurately represent their level of education and training as well as licensure, if any. Example: contractor’s license for organizations and individual credentials such as counseling degrees or similar.
  6. Members market themselves and the challenge course community in a positive manner. Members avoid false or unfair statements about competitors.

B. Competence

  1. Members accept only work that fits within their individual or organizational training/education, experience, and competence. Members recognize when additional competence and expertise is needed and have a system in place to bring in the necessary core competence or expertise, or to refer out to a qualified individual or organization.  Example: installers who need additional engineering expertise or operators who need additional professional training to provide corporate development programs.
  2. Members have systems in place to assess an organization’s and individual's competence to properly assign responsibilities.
  3. Members strive to provide products and services that meet ACCT written standards and, in the absence of written standards, follow commonly accepted practices. Example: the use of proof-tested materials such as quick links or cable clamps versus non- verified materials.

C. Professional Responsibility

  1. Members design, install, train, operate, and inspect according to ACCT Standards.
  2. Members will take reasonable steps to manage the risks associated with challenge course activities. Example: an employer providing appropriate personal protective equipment to employees and a program having systems in place to account for weather or gear retirement.
  3. Members strive to maintain professional communication, interaction, relationships, and dealings with all stakeholders.  Example: one vendor talking to another about differences in interpretation of the ACCT standards. Stakeholders can include, but are not limited to, owners, creditors, clients, competitors, or peers.
  4. Members follow business practices that maintain or enhance the professional standing of the field. Example: vendors and operators providing documentation in a timely manner.
  5. Members follow business practices that maintain and enhance the profession.
  6. Members demonstrate a commitment to be guided by the best interests of the program participants, client organizations, and membership of ACCT.
  7. Members make a clear distinction between ACCT Standards, industry standards, commonly accepted practices, and company or personal preferences.  Example: statements in challenge course inspection letters as well as operations on specific challenge courses.
  8. Members are aware of and work to avoid professional and personal conflicts of interest in their business practices. Example: personal relationships with staff and/or clients that conflict with or distract from professional dealings.

D. Confidentiality and Protected Information

  1. Members adhere to applicable laws and commonly accepted practices regarding legally protected information, including (but not limited to) copyrights, trademarks, and patents.
  2. Members protect the practices and designs of other organizations and individuals when there is an understanding or agreement to do so. Example: variations on activities that have been specially designed by a program and that the program deems, or might reasonably deem, confidential.
  3. Members adhere to laws and commonly accepted practices pertaining to protected client information, including (but not limited to) medical or therapeutic information.

E. Management / Administration

  1. Members follow commonly accepted ethical practices with regard to recruiting, hiring, training, supervising, and managing staff.  Example: vendors and operators accurately describe the work and benefits when recruiting employees; vendors and operators take corrective action with employees to ensure optimal training and performance.
  2. Members follow commonly accepted industry management and administrative practices. Example: the use of contracts or annual inspections of challenge courses.
  3. Members adhere to all standards and/or requirements applicable to their ACCT membership. Example: for an Accredited Vendor, include record keeping for certification or inspections.
  4. Members adhere to industry standards for proper insurance coverage to protect employees, clients, and end users.  Example: carrying appropriate liability insurance as well as workers’ compensation, where needed.

Procedures for Resolving Complaints

The ACCT Compliance Resolution Procedure is established to ensure that all reports of non-compliance with ACCT programs, policies, and procedures within ACCT are addressed fairly, transparently, and professionally. The Executive Director, with the support of the Compliance Committee and the Board of Directors, will work to maintain the integrity and reputation of the Association while responding to reports of non-compliance.

Many issues can be resolved with direct, open, and honest communication. Complaints must directly relate to ACCT programs policies, volunteer policies, or the Code of Ethics. They may be made against ACCT members, program participants, volunteers, or staff. Complaints relating to the ANSI process or Consensus Group should follow what is outlined in the ANSI | ACCT accredited procedures.

The compliance resolution procedures described here are designed to assist individuals and organizations who have been unable to resolve issues on their own. Participation in the resolution process does not preclude the right to legal recourse. ACCT reserves the right not to review a submitted complaint if it is determined that it does not meet the criteria for the compliance resolution process. ACCT has a Grievance and Mediation Procedure in place for organizations and individuals who cannot resolve ethical issues on their own. For more information or to request forms, please contact the Executive Director or any member of the Compliance Committee.

A. Compliance Resolution Procedure

This process applies directly to members of ACCT and those parties affected by them.

  1. Communicate your concerns to the other person(s) or organization(s) involved in the dispute, and attempt to resolve the conflict informally. If unsuccessful, continue with the following steps.
  2. Any active ACCT member who wishes to lodge a complaint can submit it in writing to the Executive Director and other parties involved via the ACCT CONFLICT/GRIEVANCE RESOLUTION FORM. Complaints involving the Executive Director should be emailed directly to the Chair of the Board of Directors at
    1. The complaint shall include detailed information regarding specific policies in question, the nature of the grievance, relevant dates, parties involved, and any supporting documentation.
    2. The complainant must have taken action to resolve the matter prior to submitting the grievance form to the Executive Director and involved parties.
    3. ACCT shall maintain the confidentiality of all parties involved throughout the complaint resolution process in accordance with ACCT policies and to the extent allowed by law.
  3. Review by the Executive Director and/or Board Chair:
    1. The Executive Director is responsible for receiving and acknowledging the complaint. Allow for up to 30 days for a response.
    2. The Executive Director and/or Board Chair will conduct an initial review to determine the validity and seriousness of the complaint.
      1. When necessary, the Executive Director and/or Board Chair will consult with the Compliance Committee, the Board of Directors, the Board Emeritus, or ACCT Staff before creating a review panel to address the complaint.
    3. The Executive Director and/or Board Chair, depending on who is fielding the complaint, reserves the right not to review it. Complaints must directly relate to ACCT programs policies, volunteer policies, or the Code of Ethics. They may be made against ACCT members, program participants, volunteers, or staff. Complaints relating to the ANSI process or Consensus Group should follow what is outlined in the ANSI | ACCT accredited procedures.
  4. Formation of Review Panel:
    1. A review panel may be formed at the discretion of the Executive Director and/or Board Chair. The panel will be made up of 3 to 5 individuals, including members of the Board of Directors, Board Emeritus, ACCT members, or a combination of these groups.
    2. The composition of the panel shall be determined by the Executive Director and/or Board Chair, following review of any conflicts of interests and impartiality.
  5. Review and Vetting Process:
    1. The Review Panel shall arrange the means by which to hear the complaint, and shall notify the parties of the process. This process does not require all parties to be present when information is shared; rather it requires the panel to provide an opportunity for all parties to provide information they want considered that is pertinent to the complaint.
    2. The panel will assess the complaint's merit and provide recommendations or findings.
  6. Communication with Complainant:
    1. The Executive Director and/or Board Chair will communicate the results of the review to the involved parties. If the complaint is found to be justified, the Executive Director and/or Board Chair will outline any actions to be taken in response.
  7. Record Keeping:
    1. ACCT will maintain records of the complaint, review, and actions taken for reference and transparency in accordance with the ACCT Document Retention Policy.
  8. Periodic Reporting:
    1. The Executive Director and/or Board Chair may provide periodic reports to the ACCT Board of Directors on the resolution of complaints.
  9. Actions and Resolutions:
    1. It is important to note that the ACCT Code of Ethics and Compliance Resolution Procedure serve as a reference for ethical behavior and actions as well as a framework to help resolve conflicts and misunderstandings between ACCT members, program participants, volunteers, or staff. Depending on the findings of the Review Panel, ACCT may implement appropriate actions to address the complaint. These actions may include corrective measures, policy adjustments, or other suitable remedies such as but not limited to revocation of accreditation, certification, membership, ACCT volunteer status, and/or dismissal from the ACCT community.
    2. ACCT reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to address or not address complaints, and to take or not take corrective action, which right shall not impart duties upon it.
  10. Review Panel Disbandment:
    1. Once the complaint has been addressed, the Review Panel will be disbanded.

Adopted: August 4, 2010 Revised: September 18, 2024