State of Maryland Recently Updated Regulations for Challenge Courses, Aerial Parks and Ziplines

Regulatory Updates,

In 2010, the Maryland Attorney General ruled that Challenge Courses, Aerial Parks and Ziplines were not included in the existing regulatory code and were not being regulated by the state.  In 2022, the regulatory code was updated to include these facilities and regulations were gradually implemented beginning in late 2022 through the Amusement Inspection division of the Department of Labor.  In preparation for this change, representatives from the department attended an ACCT Conference.  Through that effort, they came to realize that these courses are different from Amusement Devices, and they framed the regulations to reflect that reality.  In their present form, courses are required to be registered using the existing Amusement Device paperwork and a request submitted for a state inspection.  There are no fees for this service.  Before the inspection request is submitted, the facility is required to get an annual professional inspection in accordance with the ANSI/ACCT Standards.  The state inspection simply reinforces the professional inspection and verifies that recommendations are addressed. Submission of a Certificate of Insurance is also required.  

Forms and contact information are available at