Professional Vendor Member Benefits
Professional Vendor Members receive the benefit of being allowed to register employees to receive benefits. Each registered person must be legally employed by the member organization and listed on payroll. Volunteers and contract employees are not included.
The following benefits extend to ALL registered employees of the company:
- 15 registered employees
- Access to an annual Symposia for PVMs only
- Member-only access to the latest digital edition of the ANSI/ACCT Standards
- On-going access to periodic revisions of the ANSI/ACCT Standards with an active membership
- Discounted member pricing on print copies of the ANSI/ACCT Standards
- Eligibility to enroll in ACCT sponsored group Health Insurance Plans
- Member-only access to all of the content and resources of ACCT Academy such as webinars, tutorials, technical notices, white papers, research and more
- Receive digital copies of ACCT publications via your member profile
- Discounted attendee registration to the ACCT annual conference
- Discounts with other organizations or companies that ACCT has agreements with
- Eligibility to post resume on ACCT Job Board
- Equipment recall notifications and safety advisories emailed directly to you
- Eligibility to join ACCT volunteer groups to help shape the future of the industry
The following company benefits apply:
- A licensed company version of the ANSI/ACCT Standard, with permission to
print 15 copies for internal use - Participation in an industry recognized accreditation review process
- Licensed use of the ACCT Professional Vendor Member Logo in your print and online advertising
- Eligibility to submit events for the ACCT Calendar at no charge
- Company listing in the PVM directory on the ACCT website
- Discounted rates for exhibiting at the ACCT annual conference
- Eligibility to post unlimited employment opportunities with your company
on the ACCT Job Board at no cost - Access to posted resumes on the ACCT Job Board through member portal
- Eligibility to submit industry related events for posting to ACCT social media
- Auto Renewal
Voting Rights
The organization is permitted one vote for Board Members in the Accredited Professional Vendor Member-elected category