IT Work Group


The IT work group is seeking two volunteers to assist staff with ongoing IT needs. Priorities include:

  • Helping staff assess and develop technology platforms, policies, and practices.
  • Provide recommendations to improve all aspects of ACCT’s IT and related software, platforms, etc.
  • Assist and make recommendations to the Office Manager on any issue relating to IT.
  • Collaborate with other committees, panels, etc., as appropriate on matters of common interest related to technology.


Interested applicants should have current ACCT membership. Members shall have significant IT experience, perspective, or skills to bring to the work group.

Accountability / Chair Responsibilities

The group is accountable to the ACCT Office Manager and Executive Director, with oversight provided by the group’s Chair. The Chair shall be responsible for organizing and chairing the meetings and ensuring the meetings move forward efficiently. The Chair shall liaise directly with other necessary work groups and committees (i.e., Membership, Leadership & Nominations, Conference, etc.,) on a regular basis to ensure appropriate planning for fulfillment of strategies. The Chair will also assign responsibilities and tasks to the IT Vice Chair, Secretary, and group members as they arise.

Term Limit

At a minimum, members must be willing to commit to one (1) full year term.

Interested individuals should complete an ACCT Volunteer Application

IT Work Group

  • John Voegtlin

    John Voegtlin

    Office Manager, Association for Challenge Course Technology

    Staff Liaison

  • Ben Haase

    Outdoor Ventures / Ropes Park Equipment
