Operation Reviewer Training

--> Operation Accreditation Reviewer Application

Operation Reviewer training is offered to any person who meets the eligibility requirements. (QCP-reviewer)

You will need to fill out the application and submit both your Certificate of Insurance and your most up-to-date Portfolio. As a part of this process, you will also be asked to list three professional references that will be contacted to speak on your behalf. Once everything has been reviewed, you will receive an approved application email with the information to register for the training.

The application fee for this program will be $125 USD, due at the time of application. All required forms, documentation, and the application fee must be received for an application to be considered complete.

If your application is approved to join the Operation Reviewer Training, you will receive more information to join this training.

Training can accommodate a maximum of 10 people and will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. If the training is full, a waitlist will be compiled. In the event a spot opens, waitlisted applicants will be contacted in the order of receipt of their completed applications.

Participating in the Operation Reviewer training will cost $260 USD. Upon receipt of your payment of the training fee, you will receive training and study material, so it is important that this fee is paid timely. Failure to pay the training fee will result in the applicant being moved to the waitlist and their place in the training being offered to another applicant.

If you have any questions, please contact Heather Brooks at heather@acctinfo.org or 303-827-2432